Pueblo Modelo is a village of 5,000 people in the Zacapa, Guatemala area. Once a thriving village with substantial housing and commerce, they were devastated by mudslides and relocated by the government to the barren area they now call home. No material goods. No jobs. No dignity. And for most, no hope.
The Austin-Guatemala Project is determined to change that. Modelo is chock-full of beautiful, hard-working people struggling to survive each day. Through construction and self-sustainability projects, partnership with the local school, assistance with the feeding program and general relationship-building members of AGP teams are given the opportunity to ascribe dignity to and share the love of Christ with a people desperate for hope and partner with them on their journey to independence and abundance in the Lord.
So, what's the basic agenda?
Well, service teams of Austin believers from numerous congregations will travel to Guatemala on weeklong breakthrough trips about six times a year, following a three-step cycle:
1. Prep Gatherings: Trip participants will gather and go over the trip objectives and proposed itinerary, coordinate specific projects, and lift up the trip in prayer.
2. The Trip: Participants will travel to Hope of Life mission in Guatemala and get their eyes opened, hands dirtied, and hearts touched working in Pueblo Modelo and beyond for a week.
3. The Reunion: A post-trip celebration for participants, their families and any others who may be interested in going on a future breakthrough trip. Team members will get the opportunity to share stories from their week in Guatemala and the spiritual impact it had on their lives, as well as fellowship and further discuss the Austin side of the Project.
During trips, groups will work in five specific focus areas:
1. Health and Nutrition - clean water, food supply, medical assistance
2. Construction - greenhouses and chicken coops, houses
3. Education - provision of aid to existing Modelo school, construction projects to improve school building
4. Enterprise and Industry - assistance in jobs development, identification of industry and trade opportunities, equipping with the necessary tools and training
5. Family and Culture - assessment and instruction related to family breakdown, restoration, and preservation; increased awareness of the value of strong home life in culture
We have intentionally not designated a "Church" or "Spiritual" focus area because we intend for all objectives to fall under the umbrella of spreading the message of Christ, and will work through the church or churches planted in Pueblo Modelo.
By working in these five focus areas, trip participants will provide the manpower and a small portion of the finances for Pueblo Modelo's total transformation. Other, larger financial contributions - whether from churches involved, business partners, or individual donors - are required to fully carry out AGP's long-term vision for the village.
A total transformation for Modelo will include a church and church resources, generator-powered water system, school, feeding program and center, housing for the particularly desperate, and greenhouses or chicken coops for individual homes. This complete body, mind and, and soul transformation will change the lives of every person in Pueblo Modelo; bringing health, happiness, and dreams where there was only darkness and daily struggle. For approximately $265,000, we can offer the village the physical side of a total transformation.
The numbers at a glance:
Church - $65,000
School addition - $50,000
Feeding program - FUNDING COMPLETE
Vocational training center - $50,000
Clean water system - FUNDING COMPLETE
Self-sufficiency - $70,000
Housing - $30,000
TOTAL - $265,000*
*Prices are tentative and certainly subject to change
Along with contributions, World Help will provide clothing, shoes, and monthly food staples (rice, beans, cooking oil, etc.) to each family in the village on a regular basis.
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